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Vehicle Mantenaince

To avoid more serious breakdowns and  higher costs in repairs is by doing routine maintenance. Preventive vehicle maintenance is simply what the manufacturer of your vehicle suggests getting done to keep your vehicle running well.

Engine & Transmission

For the big jobs, take your vehicle to Dca Autoworks and get the highest quality engine and transmission overhaul and replacement services

Computer Diagnostic

There are many reasons for illuminated warnings in your dash. Computer Diagnostics is the best way to figure out the specific problem.

Electrical Repairs

Dealing with car problems can be a real pain, especially when it is difficult to tell what the specific issue is. This is why it can be so useful to have diagnostic repairs and Auto Electric Service done by the experts to ensure your vehicles overall condition

Brakes & Supension

"Got The Shakes?

Is your vehicle experiencing difficult vibration problems?

 Our auto repair shop specializes in expert suspension work, brakes, shocks, struts and more


(817) 386-9677



Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 5pm

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